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Free Energy Chip
Posted on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 @ 08:04:51 UTC by vlad
From KeelyNet News: I received this information from Duncan at Nexus Magazine. If anyone has any additional information about this company or the process behind the claimed technology, please Email Me and I will share it on the website and send to Duncan.
The company appears to be based in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. Duncan provided the following additional information: * Inventor is Aureliano Horta. * The company's name is ET3M. It seems to be based in Mexico. Unfortunately, their website is only in Spanish: http://www.et3m.com/ * The theoretical concepts behind the invention seem to be originating from research by a man named Myron Evans. He is said to have finally come up with a unified field theory, basing his own research on Einstein and Elie Cartan.
Here's a website, that discusses him: http://www.atomicprecision.com/ * I will fax you two articles in English; one is rather recent, the other describes an event that happened already in the early nineties, but with the same people. It seems that the invention has come a long way, definitely not out of nowhere. * There's a company, that is currently drumming up people worldwide to throw in venture capital into this, named EAVCF/Euro-American Venture Capital Federation, based in Oregon, USA. * The colleagues from Net Journal (http://www.borderlands.de/inet.jrnl.php3), a magazine around all things with free energy, seem to be heavily involved in the European marketing. They could probably tell you more. They might also be knowledgeable about where you could find a contact in the Southern Hemisphere. - Islas Baleares #110-A, Col. Lindavista, C.P. 37300, LEON, Gto. (Guanajuato) MEXICO - Teléfono y Fax: +52(477)-773-78-05
Source: http://www.keelynet.com/#whatsnew ----------------- Also see the next posts on KeelyNet: 03/28/06 - A translation of Evans theory from Terry Bastian
03/28/06 - Free Energy Chip - Refutation of Evans claims & comments/notes
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Re: Free Energy Chip (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 @ 08:19:34 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Unless the 'chip' is based on 10 nm or less, the chances of this being real aren't very likely. Nanotechnology is the only thing that can truly tap into the Zero Point Field EFFICIENTLY...but we live in a world of infinite possibilities, so I won't pass judgement on this invention until I have more info. |
Re: Free Energy Chip (Score: 1) by nadero on Wednesday, March 29, 2006 @ 07:17:10 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | "Unfortunately, their website is only in Spanish: http://www.et3m.com/"
Well, I'm spanish and physicist. I have read all the pages of such site. There is NOTHING of scientific value on them, only vacuous verbiage.
Futhermore, the site are full of dreamy claims and bluster ideas, like the "Quantum Medic VS" wich they insinuate it is for "reinforcement" of the treatment of "migraine, arthritis, sinusitis, varix" and even "depression". I am used the word <<insinuate>> because they deliverately have ambiguous and absurd wording.
I could bet my head, every one of their products are only a rip-off.
Re: Free Energy Chip (Score: 1) by geliebter on Friday, August 24, 2007 @ 11:33:37 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Hello Vlad, concerning this et3m company. I have any additional information that you may require, since I used to work there for amolst 3 years. I actually was in the production and monitoring department.
The picture you posted of the device with 2 blue labels, for example, it´s called Quantum Light, and it works based on 4 "garbage" batteries, which connected to a chip called Hortong, makes the LED be turned on for almost 1 month. I was on charge of the making of that particular device (the one in the pic). The other products have a very similar working. I built devices for fuel/diesel saving, electrical motors from 0.25 HP up to 100 HP, solar energy and many other applications.
If you would like to have additional info, please email me.