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Advanced Resonant Fields
Posted on Saturday, March 25, 2006 @ 23:47:37 UTC by vlad

I have added a link to your website. Thank you for your assistance.
In addition to the announcement below, I have attached a very interesting article containing some of the easy proof of the Resonant Field Theory.
Dr. Hait

[see "Corrected Quantum Mechanics and Relativity"  doc in our Downloads section - Vlad]

If you understood how “everything” in universe worked, what fields could you revolutionize?


The first Russian/American International Seminar on Advanced Resonant Fields.


Introduction to Resonant Field Theory with special application to Photonic Computing.

April 25-27, 2006. On beautiful and tropical Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands, USA. Three hours South of Tokyo.

The Resonant Field Theory is the first truly unified and easy-to-understand theory of everything.

This detailed set of seminars will cover the most recent and advanced science, combining Relativity with corrected Quantum Mechanics. It will explain the fundamental mechanism of physics, and will answer many long-pending questions including quantum gravity, antigravity, and quantized photonic computing.

Because of its fundamental nature, it is expected that it will have a direct effect on your particular field, because it provides substantially better methods for more accurate subatomic measurements, and understanding of molecular assemblage.

Because of its fundamental nature, Resonant Fields will have a great and global impact on science. Every school, every business, and every high-paying position has competition. It exists, and you will have to deal with it. It's the real world. So consider:

Could you wind up obsolete, even before your graduate? It's worth thinking about. It's worth checking it out.... just in case. You've got a lot on the line. Logically, you will want to be first in line.

More information is provided, including a preview of some Resonant Field Theory evidence. www.rmrc.org/rfi/broch.htm.

Complete details of the seminar itself, including pre-registration are available at www.ResonantFieldsInc.com.

Thanks for reading

Dr. John N. Hait


RFI Chief Scientist and Professor of Resonant Fields, www.rmrc.org.


Resonant Fields Seminar, April 25-27, 2006

Exciting Science Beyond Einstein.

Einstein died trying to complete his Unified Field Theory, a comprehensive, intuitive explanation of the way everything in the universe operates... a Theory of Everything. Feynman longed for a basic mechanism that would enable us to know not just "How the Earth moves around the Sun, but what makes it go."

Discovery of that basic mechanism, Resonant Fields, has finally united all of physics into a comprehensive, intuitive explanation of the way everything works... just like Einstein and Feynman dreamed of. Thus, the Resonant Field Theory is expected to have a significant and immediate impact on science, technology, education, commerce, and even society.

This breakthrough-discovery has already laboratory-proven that the resonant fields, of which everything in the universe is made, violate the very foundation of Quantum Mechanics, namely Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, by overwhelmingly demonstrating an organized deep-field reality, rather than a random one. Sub-field interactions are not random as previously thought, but have been demonstrated to be pseudorandom. Thus, they may appear random to humans… but upon closer examination they are not.

Deep reality exists! And, has been shown to be quite deterministic… strictly cause-and-effect like the rest of science. It’s been found that energy-flow patterns deep within atoms, light, gravity, and everything else, are similar to the pseudorandom algorithms used to encrypt secret messages, where the order of their precision activity, while convoluted, is concealed within their complexity. Thus our measurements, our knowledge, and our understanding need no longer be limited by ‘uncertainty’… but can become precisely ‘certain’… expanding our understanding of the processes and machinery of resonant fields. And since everything has been shown to be composed of resonant fields… we now have an open window on everything!

Pseudorandom deep-reality finally reconciles an updated Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. It uncovers the big mysteries of the 20th century like: quantum gravity, black holes, antigravity, action-at-a-distance, subatomic interactions, electricity, magnetism, light, duality, quarks, strings, movement, radioactivity, the universal speed limit, and the 5th dimension.

Now we understand why they are never uncertain about what they do, or how they do it. Unlike the random (and now obsolete) quantum-mechanical underworld, real atoms, light, and gravity always get it right and never forget how to do it!

Finally, the Resonant Field Theory explains that fundamental mechanism of physics in easy-to-understand, intuitive terms... just like Einstein and Feynman longed for.

It means that we can now begin decrypting those natural energy-flow patterns to reveal their hidden secret messages. Consequently, many age-old secrets that have held up science for years, are now being revealed with ‘certainty’… for the first time, by means of the Resonant Field Theory.

Everything has finally been Made Simple.

What could be more exciting?

Logically, Resonant Fields, Inc. has scheduled its first in-depth three-day seminar, April 25-27, 2006 in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, USA. Details are on the web at www.resonantfieldsinc.com, click “seminars.”

The advanced text “Resonant Fields, the fundamental mechanism of physics made easy to understand.” Click on “products”.

To facilitate international cooperation and understanding, RFI is also seeking volunteers to translate the entire 3 days into Russian. Persons with a good command of both scientific languages will be appreciated by all.

Please forward this to your colleagues so they will also have the opportunity to evaluate the presentation.



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