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>>> Emergency help needed! <<<
Posted on Saturday, March 25, 2006 @ 15:36:38 UTC by vlad
Overtone (Mark Goldes) writes: Magnetic Power Inc. is experiencing a serious, but very temporary, cash crisis. Sadly, it could require the closing of our Washington State development laboratory in a few days. This laboratory includes a temperature controlled room that has been converted into a Faraday shielded enclosure, and contains delicate, expensive, equipment. Closing this facility, in order to relocate, could set back, by several months, ongoing work that presently promises a near-term, solid-state, Demonstration Device that will provide definitive proof that extraction of energy from inexhaustible, pollution free, Virtual Photon Flux is a practical possibility.
Descriptions of solid-state generators that can power automobiles, and scale to a megawatt or more, are already in the patent office.
The Company is half a year behind in the rent, due to an investor not fulfilling a written agreement. This has primarily been the result of personal factors at his end. We presently believe we have to begin to exit that building by the end of the day, on Tuesday, March 28th, 2006. The landlord has been extremely patient, but eviction proceedings are close to termination, which is scheduled for the morning of Thursday, March 30th.
We are seeking emergency help.
The firm has a number of large transactions pending and a few are close to completion, but it is extremely unlikely one of these will release funds in time.
However, it is quite probable that one or more of these will provide significant capital within a matter of a few weeks.
Therefore, we are seeking bridge loans, from individuals, to cover this, and a few other modest, but urgent, working capital requirements without delay.
Anyone willing and able to assist, please contact me.
Mark Goldes Chairman & CEO Magnetic Power Inc.
Phone 707 829-9391 direct - anytime E-mail: magneticpower@gmail.com Website: magneticpowerinc.com
Note: Note from Mark: As of today Mar 27, one of our existing investors has ended the crisis...Many thanks for your efforts on our behalf.
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Re: >>> Emergency help needed! <<< (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Sunday, March 26, 2006 @ 05:34:59 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | Mark, Sorry to hear about the possible setback to your ZPE research, however I actually have a ZPE device that I can demonstrate now, and have had proof since 1998. The latest prototype can again be watched as it breaks the ZPE barrier, and releases a pulse of radiant energy at the end of the short clip. I do not give free demonstrations anymore, however if an oil, gas electrical power company, or official representatives of a government such as China would be interested in witnessing this discovery, I would be happy to meet with them after specific agreements are made. I am also offering a free CD of my 2004 radio interview when I explain the groundbreaking meaning behind the video on my web site and some of the strange events in my life prior to and after my original discovery of Pulsed Plasma. S/H is $5 on the CD. Chris Arnold http://members.aol.com/hypercom59 |
Year behind on your rent? (Score: 1) by hackwrench on Sunday, March 26, 2006 @ 13:29:56 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Somehow a year behind on your rent doesn't sound like a very temporary cash crisis, nor I suspect would it to most people. It also seems to me that this sort of attitude turns people off, be it in the general marketplace or the field of novel energy systems.
To Kadamoos and fraud (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Monday, March 27, 2006 @ 02:23:18 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | How much have you invested in assisting me with my discoveries? I have put "everything" on the line because I believe in myself, and I have an Earth changing Technology, however this new Technology also needs funding, just like the others that are still "trying" to build something that works - whatever it may be. Others are collecting money for perpetual R&D and are always on the edge of that great scientific breakthrough - while the human race that so desperately needs my existing technology refuses to fund any part of it. I have worked on my own for eight years and just what is it you expect me to do when people continue to fund worthless projects instead of lifesaving technology such as mine? Chris Arnold http://members.aol.com/hypercom59 |
Let me repeat this again (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Monday, March 27, 2006 @ 10:19:48 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | In the first sentence of my comment I clearly said - "I actually have a ZPE device that I can demonstrate now"
"I actually have a ZPE device that I can demonstrate now"
"I actually have a ZPE device that I can demonstrate now"
I don't require money to build one because I already have built it.
The basic requirement is that "the Investor" can prove they have the money that is required to implement the technology once I prove that it is real and not faked. As for the semiconductive diamond powder, I have the scientific proof that it is real, but I will not give away the process.
Sandia labs seems to have tapped into the field but at what cost - several hundred Million?
CA |
For Kadamoos (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 @ 15:03:23 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | Kadamoos Chain Reaction is a great movie, and closer to reality in all respects than anyone would dare realize. While the lead professor is advocating free energy for all - Morgan Freeman realistically explains how society would collapse with its release. Personally, my favorite is Phenomenon. |