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The "Fix" is in for Free Energy!
Posted on Monday, March 20, 2006 @ 07:31:21 UTC by vlad
Gary Voss (TAPTEN Research) writes: To quote from Peter Lindemann's Book "The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity", pp132 : The Invisible Enemy "There are four gigantic forces that have worked together to create this situation.To say that there is, and has been a "conspiracy" to suppress this technology only leads to a superficial understanding of the world, and it places the blame for this completely outside of ourselves. Our willingness to remain ignorant and actionless in the face of this situation has always been interpreted by two of these forces as "implied consent." so, besides a "non-demanding public," what are the other three forces that are impeding the availability of free energy technology?
1st Force - The Money Monopoly In standard economic theory, there are three classses of industry. These are Capital Goods, and Services. Within the first class, Capital, there are also three sub-classes. These are: 1.) Natural Capital. This relates to raw materials (such as a gold mine) and sources of energy (such as a hydroelectric dam, or Oil well). 2.) Curencey. This relates to the printing of paper "Money" and the minting of coins. These functions are usually the job of Government. And 3.) Credit. This relates to the loaning of money for interest and it's extention of economic value through deposit loan accounts. From this, it's easy to see that energy functions in the economy in the same way as gold, the printing of money by the Government, or the issuing of credit by a bank.
In the United States, and in most other Cuntries around the world, there is a "Money- Monopoly" in place. I am "free" to earn as much "money" as I want, but I will only be paid in Federal reserve Notes. There nothing I can do to be paid in Gold Certificates, or some other form of "Money" This Money Monopoly is soley in the hands of a small number of private stock banks, and these banks are owned by the Wealthiest Families in the world. Their "Plan" is to eventually control 100% of all the Capital Resources of the world and thereby control everyone's life throught the availability, (or non-availability) of all goods and services. An independant source of wealth (free eergy device) in the hands of each and every person in the world, ruins their 'plans' for world domination, permenently! Why this is true is easy to see.
Currently, a Nation's economy an be either slowed down, or sped-up by the raising or lowering of interest rates. But if and "Independant" source of Capital (energy) were present within the economy, and any business or person could raise more capital without borrowing it from the bank, this centralized throttling action on interest rates would simply not have the same effect. Free energy technology changes the value of Money! The wealthiest families and the issuers of Credit do not want any competition. It's that simple. "They" want to maintain their current monopoly control of the Money Supply. For "Them" free energy technology is not just something to suppress, it must be Permenently Forbidden!
2nd Force - National Governments
3rd Force - Delusion and Dishonesty in the FE Movement
4rth Force - A Non-Demanding Public
Dr. Lindemann, a 15 year board member and writer for Borderlands Science Research Foundation, explains that Gray and other successful free energy inventors such as Thomas Henry Moray had actually rediscovered what Nikola Tesla discovered and identified as aether based Radiant Energy in 1889 and was the technological basis for his 1910 Magnifying Transmitter built at Wardenclyffe on Long Island. NY. Peter also explains the design of the mystery shrouded Swiss Mathernitha Testatika machine as a Radiant Energy device using a Wimshurst generator to produce the high DC spike voltages required for the process. Using articles, patents, diagrams, schematics, and photographs from varied historical sources, Dr. Lindemann methodically pieces the Radiant Energy story together until the whole method is revealed and explained in its entirety. Fittingly, the video's cover jacket shows a brilliantly white, three foot tall flimmering stream of pure radiant energy fringed with purple/blue spikes (duplicated by Eric Dollard in 1986) appearing exactly as Tesla had described it in his journals over 100 years ago.
Further details about this book (including ordering instructions) can be located at the Teslatech website below...
[it is also in our Books section -Vlad]
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Re: The "Fix" is in for Free Energy! (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Monday, March 20, 2006 @ 11:22:54 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Without a doubt, Number 3 is the overriding force, and the one that can't be dealt with.
There is so much fraudulent baloney circulating in the FE/OU circle that it has made it impossible for serious researchers to obtain any intelligent dialog in the media or anywhere else.
....and I do mean most of whats presented on this website as valid research. There is little value in investigating or promoting most of the material that finds itself of these pages.
Thats a shame. wasted time, wasted talent and resources. A wasted opportunity to investigate an otherwise valid area of research.
What am I saying? Most of you are full of crap! |