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Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone
Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 @ 20:41:08 UTC by vlad
technophile writes: From: http://www.physorg.com/news11671.html
A new theory to explain global warming was revealed at
a meeting at the University of Leicester (UK) and is being considered
for publication in the journal "Science First Hand". The controversial
theory has nothing to do with burning fossil fuels and atmospheric
carbon dioxide levels. According to Vladimir Shaidurov of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, the apparent rise in average global temperature
recorded by scientists over the last hundred years or so could be due
to atmospheric changes that are not connected to human emissions of
carbon dioxide from the burning of natural gas and oil.
Shaidurov explained how changes in the amount of ice crystals at high altitude could damage the layer of thin, high altitude clouds found in the mesosphere that reduce the amount of warming solar radiation reaching the earth's surface.
Shaidurov has used a detailed analysis of the mean temperature
change by year for the last 140 years and explains that there was a
slight decrease in temperature until the early twentieth century. This
flies in the face of current global warming theories that blame a rise
in temperature on rising carbon dioxide
emissions since the start of the industrial revolution. Shaidurov,
however, suggests that the rise, which began between 1906 and 1909,
could have had a very different cause, which he believes was the
massive Tunguska Event, which rocked a remote part of Siberia,
northwest of Lake Baikal on the 30th June 1908.
The Tunguska Event, sometimes known as the Tungus Meteorite is
thought to have resulted from an asteroid or comet entering the earth's
atmosphere and exploding. The event released as much energy as fifteen
one-megaton atomic bombs. As well as blasting an enormous amount of
dust into the atmosphere, felling 60 million trees over an area of more
than 2000 square kilometres. Shaidurov suggests that this explosion
would have caused "considerable stirring of the high layers of
atmosphere and change its structure." Such meteoric disruption was the
trigger for the subsequent rise in global temperatures.
warming is thought to be caused by the "greenhouse effect". Energy from
the sun reaches the earth's surface and warms it, without the greenhouse effect
most of this energy is then lost as the heat radiates back into space.
However, the presence of so-called greenhouse gases at high altitude
absorb much of this energy and then radiate a proportion back towards
the earth's surface. Causing temperatures to rise.
natural gases and some of those released by conventional power
stations, vehicle and aircraft exhausts act as greenhouse gases. Carbon
dioxide, natural gas, or methane, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are
all potent greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide and methane are found
naturally in the atmosphere, but it is the gradual rise in levels of
these gases since the industrial revolution, and in particular the
beginning of the twentieth century, that scientists
have blamed for the gradual rise in recorded global temperature.
Attempts to reverse global warming, such as the Kyoto Protocol, have
centred on controlling and even reducing CO2 emissions.
However, the most potent greenhouse gas is water, explains Shaidurov
and it is this compound on which his study focuses. According to
Shaidurov, only small changes in the atmospheric levels of water, in
the form of vapour and ice crystals can contribute to significant
changes to the temperature of the earth's surface, which far outweighs
the effects of carbon dioxide and other gases released by human
activities. Just a rise of 1% of water vapour could raise the global
average temperature of Earth's surface more then 4 degrees Celsius.
The role of water vapour in controlling our planet's temperature
was hinted at almost 150 years ago by Irish scientist John Tyndall.
Tyndall, who also provided an explanation as to why the sky is blue,
explained the problem: "The strongest radiant heat absorber, is the
most important gas controlling Earth's temperature. Without water
vapour, he wrote, the Earth's surface would be 'held fast in the iron
grip of frost'." Thin clouds at high altitude allow sunlight to reach
the earth's surface, but reflect back radiated heat, acting as an
insulating greenhouse layer.
Water vapour levels are even less within our control than CO2
levels. According to Andrew E. Dessler of the Texas A & M
University writing in 'The Science and Politics of Global Climate
Change', "Human activities do not control all greenhouse gases,
however. The most powerful greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water
vapour, he says, "Human activities have little direct control over its
atmospheric abundance, which is controlled instead by the worldwide
balance between evaporation from the oceans and precipitation."
As such, Shaidurov has concluded that only an enormous natural
phenomenon, such as an asteroid or comet impact or airburst, could
seriously disturb atmospheric water levels, destroying persistent
so-called 'silver', or noctilucent, clouds composed of ice crystals in
the high altitude mesosphere (50 to 85km). The Tunguska Event was just
such an event, and coincides with the period of time during which
global temperatures appear to have been rising the most steadily - the
twentieth century. There are many hypothetical mechanisms of how this
mesosphere catastrophe might have occurred, and future research is
needed to provide a definitive answer.
Source: University of Leicester
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Re: Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 @ 07:46:23 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Amazing! Proving the hypothesis that enough oil company funding can make scientific research arrive at almost any conclusion.
Once there was a Stone Age, then a Bronze Age, then an Iron Age, followed by the Atomic Age. Today, we live in the Age of Lies. |
Re: Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone (Score: 1) by seanpu1 on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 @ 08:06:42 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone http://www.physorg.com/news11710.html
Amazing! At last a theory that actually seems to make some sense! CO2 and methane aren't the biggest greenhouse gas and finally a study that water as the main culpurate! I'll be looking forward to hearing more on these idea. (All CO2 based models don't work and need changing every week. CO2 advocates are almost as bad as dark matter advocates. rambling...)
Re: Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone (Score: 1) by nbcell on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 @ 15:03:51 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Comments about this article are forgetting some things. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunguska_event
mentions 1908 Tunguska event's effect is inconclusive. The Tunguska
incident it self can't be explained by just a single hypothesis. as you
can see on the Wiki page I pasted. The page is rather large and for
good reasons. There are many hypotheses.
There is inconclusive scientific evidence to proove that a asteroid created an airburst high in the sky.
let's think a little bit about the politics a bit. The disinformation
about global warming is clear. The actual term "global warming" is
outdated and should not be asociated with every bit of information that
is discovered by the scientists that are working within the field of
atmospheric sciences. I believe that many people are missing what
Global warming hurts us how? It is nothing compared
to what we(humans) will truely have to face. Global warming can just
be thought of as a attention grabber. My theory is that they want us to
worry about things that don't even matter. Ive realized that the elite
are even more selfish than the normal people of this planet. For
example: people putting disinformation out into the public so they
achieve what they really want would be? evil? good? whos to be the
"The human race is performing a vast uncontrolled experiment of the
atmosphere, and the results, when they come in will be unavoidable and
unstoppable." - one of ecats lines
you believe that it is possible that scientists somewhere on this
planet already know exactly what is going to happen to the "atmosphere
experiment". If the uncontrolled experiment is so predictable wouldn't
that mean they already have their conclusions.
It is hard to
make a human that is ignorant of the air pollution understand how it
forms, how it breaks down and how it circulates the globe. It is just
as hard to explain the direct health effects. They don't understand the
health risks involved. I just answered one of my own questions "good or
evil?". Not letting anyone know the truth would be evil in my
opinion,if truths that can lead to health problems and suffering. In this case ignorance isnt bliss.
the people that are attempting to explain how the atmosphere works.
save your efforts on attempting to further educate other people,
educate yourself further instead.
"We humans do tend to fall into these sorts of apocalyptic delusions on a regular basis. "
any case, we are near the end of the carbon age in our energy economy,
so CO2 emissions will cease to be an issue." Where is your factual
data on this one?
"that the Vikings were farming Greenland 1000
years ago" ah great job you understand that earth's climate is in a
constant state of change. old news |
ARCTIC GLOBAL WARMING MAY BE IRREVERSIBLE, etc. (Score: 1) by vlad on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 @ 22:34:24 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | STUDY OFFERS PREVIEW OF ICE SHEET MELTING, RAPID CLIMATE CHANGES, March 14 The retreat of a massive ice sheet that once covered much of northern Europe has been described for the first time, and researchers believe it may provide a sneak preview of how present-day ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica will act in the face of global warming. Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news11754.html
ARCTIC GLOBAL WARMING MAY BE IRREVERSIBLE, March 14 Scientists, noting sea ice in the Arctic has failed to form for the second consecutive winter, fear global warming may be irreversible in polar areas. Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news11743.html
STUDY LINKS 'SMOG' TO ARCTIC WARMING, March 14 NASA scientists have found that a major form of global air pollution involved in summertime "smog" has also played a significant role in warming the Arctic. Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news11740.html