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Hutchison on National Geographic TV News
Posted on Saturday, March 11, 2006 @ 21:10:55 UTC by vlad

Testimonials John Hutchison writes: Hi, I just got to see Harold’s video; rather interesting. I saw a weird light as pointed out by Adrien as well as chains vibration as well as the impulse movements and odd audio sounds weight of movements at 1500 pounds look like table lost weight ;? The all day filming with National Geographic.

I was told there was 3 really larger movements measured in inches plus noises and bits of chain falling as I found later the chain looks distorted--- for film folks rather who cares attitude for scientists gee wow type reaction I had delays in redoing if redoing it would happen? due to flu and why ??? ? also I sold the tesla coil as it was used as a rf output only coil and will be replaced with something better and is it worth even worth redoing ? I feel for the record it is ..I just need to get motivated as my interests do shift about[[[ something iam sure george hathaway will include in his book ]]]]]]]I hope national geographic tv does not edit whatever they got on film out cheers john ps contact info for film I suggest contact to find out what they caught on video:

Owen Palmquist
Associate Producer
Science Programming
National Geographic Television & Film
1145 17th St NW, Washington DC
P 202/857-7574 F 202/429-5222


Thank you for all of the material that you've been sending, sorry I haven't been responding to it individually, its been pretty crazy around here lately. We're starting to narrow down our time line for the shoot, and we're thinking we'll be out there next week around Saturday, Feb 25. Would you be willing to spend pretty much all day Saturday with us? We'd love to give you the star treatment for a couple of hours for the interview and then spend a couple more hours exploring your lab with you and seeing if we can get a demonstration or at the very least get footage of how you would go about it. Your research could easily fill a number of days but unfortunately the bean counters (or rather, the bean counting side of myself) won't let us get away with too many days. Does this sound alright with you?

Thank you again for agreeing to work with us, I can't wait to meet you and see your lab!





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