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Geoconditioning - The Underground Pyramid
Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 @ 21:03:06 UTC by vlad

General randy writes: Scientist are now predicting based on computer models, an extreme change in the earth’s temperature due to methane emissions from melting arctic permafrost. Dealing with this change on a massive scale might become necessary within fifty years for our ultimate survival. One solution might be Geoconditioning. Here is a proposal to geocondition the earth.

What is geoconditioning? Geo means earth. Geoconditioning means earth conditioning. To be more specific, geoconditioning is an attempt to utilize passive and active solar energy techniques in order to cool areas of the lower atmosphere close to the ground within an increasingly hot climate, and provide comfort zones for humans and animals alike.

Air conditioning moves cold air to one location while moving hot air to another location. There is no net loss of heat, but a transfer of heat to another location. With passive air conditioning, natural air flows are given assistance by the design of the building to relocate hot air farther away from the building or above the building leaving the building and the surrounding area cooler.

Some day we might have an economy based on solar energy and an economy of manufacturing with heavy use of glass. The Underground Pyramid utilizes the unique properties of glass, natural air flows, the cooling effects of moist breezes, and earth sheltering to achieve a comfort zone of large proportions.

The Underground Pyramid uses hollow glass box beams as building material and passive heat gain from the sun. The structure is shaped like a stepped pyramid with soil on top of each level. Water is sprayed upward by way of solar powered water pumps within the structure in order to provide a cooling effect. Also, evaporative cooling is utilized inside the structure due to a gentle warming of the interior due to the entry of low angle sunlight passing through the glass walls. Spaces are left between each level to provide natural ventilation and stratification of air levels.

Warm moist air will rise within the structure and exit an open top, and cool moist air will descend inside and near the structure. This will create a comfort zone nearby, and a pleasant experience within the structure. Since passive air conditioning works best on a large scale, our structure needs to be quite large.

Earth sheltering via the 24 inches of earthen material on top of each level will provide a heat sink moderating the effects of heat gain from sunlight. Only low angle sunlight will enter the structure. Evaporative cooling can be incorporated into the design by building our structure over a hollow in the ground about thirty feet deep that would collect rainwater. This water can be used in the cooling process. We have all experienced the cooling effect of moist breezes, and the cool moist air near fountains, and this is the effect intended.

Since passive air conditioning works best on a large scale, our structure needs to be quite large. Although this structure sounds simply like an air conditioner, or cooling tower, it can be much more. This can be a place of great beauty and a sanctuary for nature. All kinds of flora and fauna would find the environment quite pleasant in and near such a structure.

A separate but similar system could be used to convert waste- water to nutrients, and could convert nutrients to soil and grow trees. Water would be continuously pumped via solar powered water pumps to the highest level and allowed to flow back into channels and streams. Air as well as water would also be pumped into our system from below, helping to filter and aerate our system.

A gentle misting of water would be provided inside of the structure and water would condense and drip from the bottom of each level, providing a gentle rainforest effect.

Presented by Ralph Randolph Sawyer from Houston, Texas.



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Re: Geoconditioning - The Underground Pyramid (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Sunday, March 05, 2006 @ 07:08:28 UTC
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Take your chances above ground as an Eloi, or go underground as a Morlock.

Some comments on Geoconditioning (Score: 1)
by Randy on Saturday, April 11, 2009 @ 12:48:15 UTC
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I was reading in my newspaper this morning about the alarming speed at which global warming is happening. Some drastic measures are being considered as a last resort in a worst case scenario. So, I thought that I would share some thoughts on what could be a technological solution to the problem of rapid warming.

Variations of climate control have been around for a long time. The Greeks used to hang damp cloths in the doorways of their homes to cool the interiors of their dwellings. Before refrigerants were invented, there was in place a system of water cooling for buildings which involved evaporative cooling towers and heat exchange through a building’s duct work.

In a worst case scenario, a planetary system of geoconditioning cooling towers could be put in place that would use evaporative cooling and earth sheltering.

A large stepped pyramid shaped structure could be made of hollow glass box beams. These beams would be stacked pig pen style and earthen material would be placed on top of each level as a heat sink. It is technologically possible to extract water from air by cooling the air below the dew point, and this could be our source of coolant.

Water would be sprayed inside of the structure, and the top of each structure would be left open to allow for ventilation and stratification of the air layers in order to cool the structure. An electric fan would be needed to keep the air moving.

This system of cooling towers might be a good option to consider in a worst case scenario as it would minimally disturb the natural balance of the climate and each could be turned on and off. The small amount of energy needed for the electric fan could be provided by solar power. These towers would be an excellent source of outdoor air conditioning.

Soil filled troughs are incorporated on the tops of each beam segment, and water is to be extracted from the air electronically and then both air and water are to be pumped down into the soil in the troughs through tubes where it is stored. This cool water would condense on the outside of the glass and be used in the evaporative cooling process.

Each glass beam segment is to be manufactured progressively shorter as the sides of the pyramid are stacked up, and notched where the troughs begin.  So, these sections are to be prefabricated.

Small electric fans would float on shallow plates inside the pyramid to provide an updraft and these are to be solar powered. Desert flower seeds would find their way into the troughs, and if sufficiently moist, they would bloom.

If placed in desert areas, and appropriately located, there would need to be only a minimum disruption of the soil. Little excavation would be necessary.

It is theoretically possible to make a self-cooling glass by imitating superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor junctions. However, this would involve advanced nanotechnology and is not entirely necessary. Magnetic refrigeration or electronic cooling is needed only for the water extraction process.

Ralph Randolph Sawyer

Hydraulic Ram Pump (Score: 1)
by Randy on Friday, May 25, 2012 @ 11:04:38 UTC
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Hydraulic Pulse Generator and Water Pump

The Great Pyramid at the Giza Plateau has a unique architecture. The underground portion of the pyramid is designed like a huge water pump patented in the 1700’s called a hydraulic ram pump. The underground rooms have strange designs, and it is theorized that this structure was built as a plutonium manufacturing center.

At any rate, it requires a lot of water for plutonium manufacture because of the need for cooling. Why did the builders need plutonium? I do not know. But I do know that in today’s environment, it would be the wrong design to use as we do not need to manufacture any more plutonium.

For the modern world’s purposes we do not require water that cold or we could start another ice age. And to make a structure that would cool a neighborhood now days would require the extraction of cool water from the atmosphere.

The design for geoconditioning a neighborhood is described in this article. The Great Pyramid is an example of the wrong way to build a pyramid. The Ram Pump idea would not work today as our suface water is polluted.


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