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Spin Waves
Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2002 @ 18:37:00 UTC by vlad

Science DTB writes: The Vasant Corporation, based in Fort Worth, Texas, has published a multimedia learning CD and is working on a book of research papers describing a new technology field called Spin Wave Technology. It is similar to Spintronics except that it concentrates more on the spin waves that occur during particle spin interactions. Spin waves can be used to transfer energy and information from one location to another. Our main website is www.vasantcorporation.com

The basic concepts are the result of research done by a senior staff aerospace electronics engineer, George J. Bugh. In Quantum theory, the wave like characteristics of matter are described using abstract probability waves. However, Bugh proposes that the wave characteristics of matter may also be described as coming from a very real sea of unseen electromagnetic standing waves among all matter.

According to classical electrodynamics, all electrically charged particles, like the electron for example, should radiate away energy from orbital or precessional motion. If in fact this really happens then all electrically charged particles can be radiating away energy. However, all particles can also absorb just as much energy from all other radiating particles. The absorbed energy applies electromagnetic forces that naturally move all similar type particles into harmonious precessional motions with all other particles. This results in a vast sea of standing waves among all matter.

There can be a hidden yet strong tendency towards harmony among all matter in the universe due to these unseen standing waves and spin interactions among all matter. This tendency can overcome to a great extent the tendency towards chaos and heat death of the universe.
This is an interaction among all matter that Ernst Mach alluded to as necessary to cause matter's characteristic of inertia. Einstein later called this Mach's Principle. Einstein studied Mach's ideas while developing his theory of General Relativity.
Bugh describes inertial resistance to acceleration as caused by electromagnetic forces. Changes in position of a mass will cause phase differences to develop between the precessional motions of the particles of that mass relative to the sea of standing waves. This in turn causes electromagnetic force that resists a mass from changing its position.

Gravitation may also be described as an electromagnetic attraction towards centers of convergence (matter) among these electromagnetic standing waves that fill the universe. In the research papers, Bugh describes in lay person terminology how electromagnetic standing waves naturally develop in polarizations and orientations that result in a remnant attractive force towards matter that consists of precessing particles that radiate and absorb electromagnetic energy.

The website goes on to describe applications of spin wave technology that include power generation devices and propulsion systems based on electromagnetic interaction with this sea of standing waves.

We appreciate your interest.
The Vasant Corporation
What are Spin Waves?
What can Spin Wave Technology do?
Please purchase our Spin Wave Technology Learning CD.
See a PowerPoint Presentation (converted to htm) on Spin Wave Technology.
About the Vasant Corporation
The Vasant Corporation incorporated on July 25, 1996 in Fort Worth, Texas, USA to provide high technology designs, products and services.

The objective of this Website is to make the concept of spin wave technology readily available to everyone. We are introducing the research done by consulting engineer, George Bugh.

George Bugh is a senior staff aerospace electronics engineer. He is working in cooperation with the Vasant Corporation, providing the Vasant Corporation with research and theories which his employer has given him permission to release to the Vasant Corporation.

Copyright 251 2002 Vasant Corporation - All rights reserved.



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