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Methernitha Thestatkia
Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2002 @ 14:07:00 UTC by vlad

Testimonials Drumasaurus Rex writes: What is it to PROVE this technology?

I have read testimonials from people who have visited the Christian Community Methernitha in Linden Switzerland, wherein they claim to have witnessed the famous Testsatika machines in operation, though without much explanation from the inhabitants. I have also read that often the "cold electricity" created by "radiant energy" machines (Moray's term)which draw upon ZPE, while they creates a current that easily and quickly powers resistive circuits, the voltage and amps are undetectable with conventional measuring devices. It is likely that PROVING such tecnologies' efficiency and possibility will be difficult until a complete paradigm shift sweeps through, or at least leads to an explanation which can reconcile modern physics enough to force acceptance. I see on the site that there exists no PROOF of any of these ZPE machines... yet, while I haven't wandered to switzerland for verification, if it were true that this entire community powers itself with a free energy device, what more would true proof consist of? Does anyone here have an idea for how to verify such claims? Also, any thoughts on why proving has to always be a process of nearly infinite failed attempts at disproving?

believe in love.



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Re: Methernitha Thestatkia (Score: 1)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 @ 08:58:00 UTC
Malcolm Ripley writes: Proof is difficult if those assessing the proof don't believe it in the first place and ridicule those attempting to do so. You also have a double wammy if the press is on the side of the debunkers. Even if the public does not believe the press they seem to believe them when they pour scorn over something.....human nature I suppose. Therefore you have to come up with a method that the public (and press) just can't ignore. For example Tilley's car would be a good one since people relate to that and you can drive the thing to wherever a demonstration is needed.
', 'If the Thestsatika is genuine you have a problem in that people will have to rely on video or written evidence. This opens the doors to dismissive comments such as "ah there was a generator behind the wall !". The car in full view of people is a different matter. Likewise if the 1-10Kw free energy generators work then once they are installed in enough homes, word of mouth would be proof. Of course such an activity would also result in some very interesting court cases as the power companies try to prove that "electricity has been stolen" from the grid by people whose electricity bills drop to zero :-). After the first unsuccesful prosecution then the floodgates would open and lots of scientists will be falling over themselves saying they knew it was true all along !


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