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Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 @ 11:50:00 UTC by vlad
From the AEI New Energy Report #86: "Experts at the U.S. Navy recently gave a favorable evaluation of the blueprints for the "Millennium Motor" which is currently under development by a consortium of visionary, entrepreneurial companies. Proponents of these self-sustaining "Free Energy" permanent magnet motors claim that the devices could power your automobile without any need for fuel or electric vehicle battery packs. They could also power an alternator to furnish "free" electricity to your remote mountain cabin, or wherever electrical power is needed. A 600 horsepower prototype has been constructed which could power 18-wheeler trucks and the developers of this new technology claim that larger versions could replace the turbo-prop engines on helicopters or aircraft for fuel-less operation. Psitronics Group Systems International (http://home.earthlink.net/~wizzard9/)is now taking orders for small quantities of custom-built prototypes. See for yourself if this is the real deal or just pie-in-the-sky salesmanship." (I would be cautious...very little info about the device on their site. - Vlad)
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THUMBS UP ON SELF-SUSTAINING MAGNET MOTOR (Score: 1) by Anonymous on Saturday, November 02, 2002 @ 16:05:00 UTC | S. Michael Hoke (SMichaelHoke@EcoLynx.com) writes: From where I sit, it would be generous to call the
claims of "Dr. Robert 'Paul' LeBreton, PhD" and Psitronics "dubious."
Exhibit A: The "conceptual
model" of Psitronic's 2" 15,000 GPH "Free Energy" Irrigation Motor & Pump bears an uncanny resemblance to an ordinary
GASOLINE POWERED irrigation pump. To be more specific, it bears an uncanny resemblance to the Honda WMP20X multi-purpose
pump. I dare go so far as to even say it's IDENTICAL IN EVERY DETAIL (ahem).
Take a look for yourself at:
Even the OBVIOUS GASOLINE TANK ON TOP is identical. Hmmmm.
What's the gas tank for "Dr. LeBreton (PhD)"? And is the name of your company "Psitronics" or
Exhibit B: The "conceptual model" of Psitronic's (or Honda's?) 5,000 Watt 120-240 Volt
"Magnet-Powered" Alternator should have no need for the OBVIOUS GASOLINE TANK ON TOP. I haven't been able to determine
the exact make and model of this device, which is OBVIOUSLY AN ORDINARY GASOLINE POWERED GENERATOR, but "magnet powered" is
the one thing it clearly isn't.
Far from the "conceptual model" "Dr. Robert 'Paul' LeBreton, PhD" claims
this to be, it is painfully obvious this is a fully functional, market-ready, GASOLINE POWERED GENERATOR. The image appears
to have been ripped out of the same catalogue the other "conceptual model" was torn out of.
C: "Dr. LeBreton PhD" claims that none other than the US Navy has endorsed his invention, and has even expressed an
interest in developing and marketing this technological wonder(!) Wow!', '
Mysteriously, however, there are no
active hyperlinks to anything on any official US Navy or other legitimate US Military server regarding Psitronics, or "Dr.
Robert 'Paul' LeBreton, PhD" - or his marvelous inventions. Gosh, that's odd.
By the way, since when has
the US Navy (or any US Military service) been in the business of doing R&D and marketing for a private firm? Isn't it
supposed to work the other way 'round? Gee, this is all so very interesting.", '
I sent "Dr. Robert 'Paul'
LeBreton, PhD" an e-mail requesting clarification of the strange relationship between the US Navy and Psitronics. I'm
still waiting for a response.
Exhibit D: "Dr. Robert 'Paul' LeBreton, PhD" seems to be awfully
concerned about convincing us he holds a doctoral degree in (something). But I checked out his resume on the web at:
http://home.earthlink.net/~wizzard9/resume.html and I must confess I'm not quite sure which of the many prestigious
institutions mentioned awarded the good doctor this degree. Did you graduate from "The Great Invisible University of The
United States," Dr. LeBreton, (PhD)?
Conclusion: "Dr. Robert 'Paul' LeBreton, PhD", Psitronics,
and their supposed "inventions" are so utterly devoid of credibility as to be laughable. Anyone wasting a single nanosecond
of their time, or a single red penny of their hard-earned money on Psitronics has been duly warned.
To be
sure, having followed the testimony of The Disclosure Project and other highly credible evidence (e.g., Nick Cook's latest
title, The Hunt for Zero Point, and numerous peer-reviewed papers by the likes of Puthoff, Bearden and others) there
can be no doubt whatsoever as to the legitimacy of much of the research into zero point energy.
As for
Psitronics and "Dr. Robert 'Paul' LeBreton, PhD" - see above. Those of us who are seriously interested in the development
of zero point energy and related technologies would do well to actively distance ourselves from the likes of Psitronics and
the "research" they claim to be conducting.
I realize these are harsh assertions. I am prepared to publicly
and emphatically apologize to "Dr. LeBreton" and Psitronics if anyone can demonstrate to my satisfaction I am wrong. Until
then, I stand firmly by what I have written.
Very Sincerely,
S. Michael Hoke |
Re: U.S. NAVY GIVES THUMBS UP ON SELF-SUSTAINING MAGNET MOTOR (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Thursday, November 13, 2003 @ 08:51:16 UTC | I have been trying to get into contact with this Company "PSITRONICS LTD", and faced difficulties in phoning , the machine kept on answering that ' this subscriber does not accept unidentified calls' , this is because I am making an overseas call from [ Malta - Europe ] , and my identification is lost on the way.
Can someone assist me in pasing my email address forward since I did not receive any reply to a number of email sent.?
Email - filletti@global.net.mt |