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US car manufacturers lose billions so far in 2005
Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2005 @ 00:05:36 UTC by vlad

General GM loses $1.1bn as car sales slow

Flagging sales and the rising cost of employee healthcare pushed General Motors to a net loss of $1.1bn (£576m) in the first three months of 2005.

The world's biggest car maker warned in March it would drive deep into the red, but the loss - the worst since 1992 - is at the top end of its prediction.

In the same period last year, GM made a profit of $1.2bn.

The headline figure includes several one-off costs such as 12,000 layoffs in GM's operations in Europe...

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4460891.stm

Ford sees profits fall to $1.2bn

US car giant Ford Motor saw its profits fall almost 40% in the first quarter, as falling US sales and rising prices for raw materials ate into margins.

The company said its net profit was $1.21bn (£630m), on sales of $45.1bn...

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4464743.stm



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"US car manufacturers lose billions so far in 2005" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: US car manufacturers lose billions so far in 2005 (Score: 1)
by AndyC (hotmail account andydcoles) on Sunday, April 24, 2005 @ 01:17:59 UTC
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Whatever happened to that diesel/electric hybrid that GM were developing a couple of years ago? An economy figure of 90mpg was being quoted. This would have given Toyota and Honda a really good run for their money invested in the Prius, Insight, Civic and Accord. I would have rushed out and bought one, as the fuel savings would have been really significant.

Why is it that only the Japanese appear to have figured that oil prices were going to rise with the continued industrial revolution in China and India (doh!). GM must have thought that they would continue to make $$$ from gas-guzzling SUVs.

Some companies don't deserve to be in business.

Have to snigger that we have to pay more for the additional electric hardware in a hybrid to get reasonable mileage, when the Japanese have already developed ZP magnetic rotary engines.


Re: US car manufacturers lose billions so far in 2005 (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Sunday, April 24, 2005 @ 03:36:34 UTC
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As one drives past the GM dealer lots and sees monster SUVs with monster price tags, its not rocket science to figure out why they're losing money. Yet GM has put their very fine EV in the crusher as soon as the leases have expired.

Its amazing that a company with the expertise to build EVs can't figure out that they should have been building and selling them instead of gas guzzling SUVs. We'll understand the mind of the opposite sex sooner than the thinking of Corporate Cloneheads.

Re: US car manufacturers lose billions so far in 2005 (Score: 1)
by mlmitton on Monday, April 25, 2005 @ 13:44:55 UTC
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As I recall, GM kept pushing back the date of their hybrid system, and ultimately, they cancelled the project and licenced the technology from Toyota.

Did you see the stories about people modifying their Priuses so that they can be plugged in, along with adding some battery packs? 60-100 miles to the gallon. A company has a mod coming out which will get 250MPG. So essentially, this turns the Prius into an electric car, with a gasoline engine for additional power and extended range. I wonder how the cost of electricity per mile compares to the cost of gasoline per mile?


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