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American Antigravity gets 501c[3] non-profit tax status
Posted on Friday, April 22, 2005 @ 21:49:54 UTC by vlad

Legal Approved!

American Antigravity received IRS approval today for 501c[3] non-profit tax status. The IRS review & acceptance process was completed in record time -- a mere 25 days of consideration in comparison to the typical 4 to 6 month processing delay. This rapid approval has raised the question of whether certain elements in government are stepping in to "expedite" the development and release of new energy and breakthrough propulsion technologies. Analysts have suggested that the motive might be related to a growing recognition in government and corporate America of the worsening crisis in energy and transportation that we're currently facing, as well as the recognition that contemporary R&D paths have been unable to provide workable solutions in either of these key fields.

American Antigravity is pursuing a combination of public donations, grants, and corporate sponsorship to fund the development of key Antigravity technologies being developed in a unique, open-source environment. American Antigravity utilizes a "dream team" volunteer-collaboration including top scientists, engineers, and innovators in Breakthrough Propulsion from organizations including the Department of Defense, NASA, Boeing, Lockheed, Janes Defense Review, and other cutting-edge organizations.

In addition to funding experiments, American Antigravity will continue to provide the highest-quality news & analysis on the top stories in Antigravity research & breakthrough propulsion physics, serving as a dedicated media-venue for cutting edge technology research. AAG's primary goal is to become the backbone organization for a new R&D infrastructure focused on developing breakthrough technologies for the 21st century and beyond.


Tim Ventura
Founder & CEO



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Antigravity News (TV, Searl Interview) (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, April 24, 2005 @ 00:54:28 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Dear All:

Apologies for so many emails, so close together: Gary Stephenson & myself finished a joint-presentation on Antigravity & BPP for the Discovery Channel on the 15th, and I've just uploaded a few minutes of video to American Antigravity's news-section to give you a bit more detail on what we completed. The final version should be airing in the fall -- the footage online was shot by my own videocam next to their studio-cam.

Also, Nick Cook tells me that his comprehensive TV-special on Antigravity will be airing in the summer on History-UK, but no word yet on a launch date in the US market for this one.

The big news this week is that John Searl is feeling better -- well enough, in fact, that he gave me an audio interview on Monday, which I have also posted online. This was a real coup for me, as Searl has tremendous cultural-value in the AG community.

So to review, that's about 6 minutes of video and 1/2 an hour of audio now online in WinMedia format at American Antigravity.


Tim Ventura


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