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The Future of Energy
Posted on Sunday, April 10, 2005 @ 21:18:34 UTC by vlad

General From the IRI's "Future Energy eNews" (April 7, 2005): 'The Future of Energy' Presented to Shelton CT Chapter of the World Future Society

Pal Asija, WFS Shelton Chapter, March 21,2005, www.ourpal.com

On March 12, 2005, Dr. Thomas Valone, Founder and President of Integrity Research Institute, a Washington, DC Think Tank dedicated to future energy solutions addressed the local chapter (now in its 5th year) of the World Future Society which meets in Shelton, CT from Noon to 3 PM on 2nd Saturday of each month.

Dr. Valone mesmerized the audience with his masterful presentation on "Future Energy Technologies" and handled their questions with exceptional and exemplary skill and felicity. In spite of over a foot of snow, about 20 futurists, inventors, intellectuals and energy professionals attended. In over one hour of PowerPoint presentation with over 60 slides, Dr. Valone covered the following topics in considerable depth:

1. Tesla Technology and how IRI is trying to resurrect his inventions like wireless transmission and augmentation of power as it propagates through the ionosphere. The healing power of the Tesla coil and the use of Earth's ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies) for therapeutic purposes in such devices as an "Electric Chair" (no relationship to the electric chair used in electrocution of prisoners on death row).

2. Exciting new concepts in magnetic motors, generators and engines such as Perendev & Brady motors, patented homopolar system (US 6,822,361 B1) by Russian inventors Sergi Godin and Vladimir Roschin. He graciously thanked his patent attorney (Your's Truly) for assistance with the patent. Dr. Valone himself did some pioneering work in homopolar generators and has authored a book to prove it. In addition to the Homopolar Handbook, Dr. Valone is also the author of Patents and the Patent Process - An Introduction for Inventors and Bioelectromagnetic Healing - A Rationale for Its Use.

3. Advanced nuclear energy technologies including a nuclear betavoltaic battery as well as very innovative a nuclear waste remediation technology which solves two problems in one by substantially deactivating and neutralizing radioactive waste while at the same time extracting energy from it.

4. Zero Point Energy, Casimir force and Space propulsion and how this research relates to secret United States Government projects operating under "Black Budget" officially known as USAP - Unacknowledged Special Access Projects. Some jaws fell in disbelief when Dr. Valone asserted and exclaimed that ZPE in space due to quantum fluctuations is more than 10E24 (Ten raised to the power 24) joules per cubic meter and even as much as 10E58 (Ten raised to the power 58) joules per cubic meter.

Dr. Thomas Valone in response to audience questions discussed other potential energy related technologies such as how spray-on solar cells are five times more efficient than conventional silicon based solar cells.

He also answered questions about the mysterious triangular flying objects seen by many credible professionals. The triangular aircraft has been observed with capabilities and flight characteristics unknown to man such as high-speed right angle turns and hover below stall speed.

I highly recommend you subscribe to FREE Future Energy eNews at www.IntegrityResearchInstitute.org. This timely electronic newsletter is second only to Infinite Energy. There are also links to other useful energy related web sites. You will also find the following websites a great compliment to the excellent website of this magazine www.Infinite-Energy.com .
1) www.QuantumFields.com
2) www.NuclearSolutions.com
3) www.FocusFusion.org
4) www.ZPEnergy.com
5) www.EarthTech.org
6) www.grc.nasa.gov
7) www.AltEnergy.org

If you are interested in exploring the future of other subjects or in locating the nearest chapter of the World Future Society then you will find www.wfs.org indispensable. The European counterpart of it is www.wfsf.org. For schedule, breadth, variety and range of topics for the Shelton CT chapter, kindly point your browser to www.ourpal.com and click on EVENTS.

Thomas Valone, M.A., Ph.D., P.E., is personally committed to helping establish integrity in scientific research, primarily regarding the physics of energy, whether it is in the technical, human health, or environmental area. He also organizes and presides over COFE - Conference On Future Energy. His interests and activities are seemingly endless with matching energy levels. We are grateful to him for gracing our meeting with his presence and presentation.

Since IRI is a 501(C)3 non-profit organizations your donations are tax deductible. In addition to his Integrity Research Institute website, Dr. Thomas Valone, Master of Arts, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Philosophy can be reached by snail mail at 1220 L Street NW, Suite 100-232, Washington DC 20005 or by phone 1-202-452-7674 or by fax: 1-301-513-5728 or by e-mail iri@erols.com



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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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