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Big Bang or Inflationary theory
Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2005 @ 20:41:25 UTC by vlad

Science sams writes: black hole friend or foe?

A Black hole is a missleading catchphrase for this entrprising celestial paragon of our local universe.
Though branded as a giant space behemoth methodically sucking sectors dry, these black holes of destruction may not be so bad after all. Perhaps this elusive cosmic entity will add credence to the theory that massive black holes are intricately related in the creation and evolution of galaxies.

Black holes are high interest players in the composition of the "local universe's" continued existance by regenerateing varying sectors in continuum. They guard against high probabilities of any one major crunch, replanishing new thermal information with many smaller bangs.

There are various reasons and not surprising why we receive so little or no thermal transmissions from these elusive entities.
1--- A Black Hole is enveloped while celestial bodies are permeated by the dark matter and potential rest energy.
2-- Mature black holes should be totaly invisible, isolated by a global moat of Potential rest energy (PRE).
3-- Coalescing and agglomerating all the dark matter and all the celestial bodies permeated by this dark matter, leaving only the PRE (space)and rendering thermal transfer impossible.
4 ---thermal information (e.g.light) is torpid, and can not be transmitted to earth through the "PRE". I declare without proof, without dark matter as a transfer medium light can not be visible from its source.

How are Black Holes constructed?

When dark matter is confronted with a periphery,such as a mass with a coalescent influence that has achieved critical mass status and the dark matter is impuissant to permeate it than can be effortlessly coalesced.
The Black Hole is now able to construct conditions to integrate all matter and form a region of space that has concentrated mass, as a result of the wieght intensity and conditions, objects cannot escape. The method used is quite ingenious. Harboring a powerful coalescent influence the B.H. captures the surrounding fmp-* or dark matter. These FMP- form a 3 dimensional geometrical lattice that occupies an entire sector of the cosmos. Like a fisherman drawing in his net, a black hole draws on dark matter in the same manner. Integrated in this dark matter are the fmp- and gravton particles, together with all the galaxies and lesser matter found in space. The dark matter is also instrumental for the external pressure imposed to stabilize the Black Hole.

Fundamental particles on contact with the B.H. surface are transfixed by the overpowering dark matter pressure influence. relegating the next set of dark matter to apply the pressure, only to experience the same fate. As more and more dark matter is coalesced it gradually draws in the planets, stars and galaxies. If for any reason, the lattice was to rupture, coalescence would endure a deathly blow, and a limit would be imposed on the B.H.
As long as internal pressure is in equilibrium with external pressure or internal pressure is less, the Black Hole will continue to coalesce. Once internal pressure exceeds external pressure, destabilization and critical mass breach will commence.

To create a black hole by accreting these nano-microscopic particles one layer at a time is a labor of patience, The black hole collocates, agglomerates and concentrates this mass (dark and macro matter), each new addition increases its influence. The mass accrues extreme compression as particles under extreme high pressure alter their shape, eliminating any Potential Rest Energy units (space) between all the particles. Making this a celestial critical mass phenomenon and the D.M. encourages this sequence to continue for billions of years. (Time not as a dimension but as expressing a repetitive sequence of events).

Throughout this evolution all macro matter, stars ,galaxies are gently drawn closer by the dark matter. Since dark matter represents 33% of all matter in a local universe, It is logical to assume the black hole is in possession of an enormous negative force (fmp- as a thermal flavor), countered by an external pressure of equal value,
If for some reason the D.M. or the fmp- lattice is severed---
Slowly matter around the black hole will deplete and exspend it's external pressure. This can lead to one conclusion, the pressure from without spent, critical breach and an unstable black hole is imminent.

What caused a Black Hole to fragment and not atomize?

I believe critical mass and a strong coalescent influence orchestrates this foundation , condensing matter, under extreme wieght intensity compress dark matter so tight as to altered their shape eliminating any PRE (space) amongst the particles, condensing and forming a super critical mass. Although fundamental particles are primordial, negatively charged elements and will not break down, still they can not refuse the intense pressure and must adopt a polygon of forces, and a new spherical form.

These veins I am about to introduce are not visual, but only exist in particle matter content. I propose this is the baryon matter now concetrates of {fmp-,fmp+,fmpn (nuetral)} truely homogenous matter to the eye.

I realize for a human to travel to a high gravity stars such as black holes, descend on a cross section to observe these vast areas is impossible. But non the less, here we are, upon closer observation we detect the plain to be nonhomogeneous. We notice countless marble like trails the archeological remains of once, planets, stars, galaxies, and clusters of galaxies, now mere spots sprinkled throughout this surface , Massive layers of fmp- and graviton plasma. dwarfing the total macro matter content now sprinkled as minor trails forming a marble like effect throughout the Black Hole.

Reasons why these veins exist are --
1 - matter coalesced will break down but will not integrate with existing matter, reason being that the existing matter is a critical state. This new coalesced mass will simply adhere to the exterior.
2 - with the vast distances between celestial bodies and high ratio dark matter verses macro matter, dark matter will be the prominent mass structure.

This high ratio dark matter verses macro matter allowed DM the opportunity to blanket each macro mass as it is coalesced and patiently produce a vein effect throughout the black hole structure. These negative veins eventually will be the fault lines in the Black Hole's construction. With pressure spent from external sources, these veins that are under extreme negative conditions, combined with the pressure from this dense matter, will cause the black hole to fracture at these fault lines. The first break will stem where the greatest pressure is concentrated, producing the largest primary fragments. Each next generation explosions will be fractions of the prior ones, and they too will fragmentize at their weakest links. The fact that galaxies are receeding*, in all directions is a consequence of these initial explosions. and furthers the theory that the super dense fragmentation, was the initial matter structure of our "local universe". Thermal expansion with super high temperature of each fragment was achieved in microseconds, as critical mass was breached in the final stage of fragmentation.

is a b.h. hot or cold?

The introduction of these various tempertures dark matter (cold) and celestial objects (some very hot) describes the state of this system. Dark matter being 28% to 32% of cold matter and macro matter 1% to 5% hot the overall temperature will be low.
Within the criticle mass the motion of particles assume a rest mass state and is transformed to potential energy with all PRE expelled. The internal energy might be thought of as the tendency for all matter in the black hole to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity, or potential matter at rest.
fmp* = fundamental particles (The term "fundamental particle" is used here to avoid having to invent new terminology)

more on dark matter by sam sade



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