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Lost posts from Apr 04
Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2005 @ 20:37:15 UTC by vlad

General Unfortunately, we lost the day of Apr 04 from the database and had to restore the site image from the day before. We apologize to all who posted yesterday articles or comments (the main site and the forum), and urge them to re-submit them. Since we only get the approved articles by e-mail, those that were pending were lost. Below are three validated posts from yesterday [Vlad]:

US in race to unlock new energy source

Mail & Guardian Online - 04 April 2005 07:59

More than a kilometre below the choppy Gulf of Mexico waters lies a vast, untapped source of energy. Locked in mysterious crystals, the sediment beneath the seabed holds enough natural gas to fuel the United States''s energy-guzzling society for decades, or to bring about sufficient climate change to melt the planet''s glaciers and cause catastrophic flooding, depending on whom you talk to.

No prizes for guessing the US government''s preferred line. This week, it will dispatch a drilling vessel to the region, on a mission to bring this virtually inexhaustible new supply of fossil fuel to power stations within a decade...

The stakes could not be higher: scientists reckon there could be more valuable carbon fuel stored in the vast methane hydrate deposits scattered under the world''s seabed and Arctic permafrost than in all of the known reserves of coal, oil and gas put together...

Roger Higman, a climate change campaigner with Friends of the Earth, said: "The Americans are desperately looking around trying to boost their fossil fuels because they think the oil is going to run out or there''s going to be a scarcity. The actual scarcity is in the space the atmosphere has for taking the carbon dioxide that burning methane produces."...

Source: US in race

Cold Fusion: Data vs Dogma: Fact vs Fiction

Leslie R. Pastor addresses the hypocrisy of the mainstream scientific community in handling the Cold Fusion revolution. Cites extensive resources regarding Cold Fusion developments. (PESN; April 3)


SEAS Updates

PRESS RELEASE - April 22-23 Phoenix Events!

SEAS CEO Dr. Steven Greer will be a guest on the Coast to Coast AM radio show with George Noory on April 4-5, 2005, starting at 10 pm Pacific time on April 4th (1 am Eastern time April 5th or 5 am GMT April 5th). See the Coast to Coast AM web site - http://www.coasttocoastam.com - for affiliate radio stations or to listen online.

Dr. Steven Greer will be a guest on the Charles Goyette radio show on
Air America Phoenix, on Thursday, April 21st, at 8 am Phoenix time (11
am Eastern time) to discuss his upcoming lecture and workshop in Phoenix
on April 22nd and 23rd.

Web sites:

Updated Events Schedule - Phoenix lecture and workshop on April 22 and
23rd, Toronto lecture and workshop on May 20 and 21st, and many other
lectures and workshops for this year. Please see the Events page -
http://www.disclosureproject.org/Events.htm - for more information

April and May 2005 - Dr. Steven Greer will be speaking at conferences
in Santa Fe, NM and Montreal, Quebec. Please see Events page -
http://www.disclosureproject.org/Events.htm - for more information



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