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Can This Black Box See Into the Future?
Posted on Sunday, February 13, 2005 @ 21:29:27 UTC by vlad

General DEEP in the basement of a dusty university library in Edinburgh lies a small black box, roughly the size of two cigarette packets side by side, that churns out random numbers in an endless stream.

...But, according to a growing band of top scientists, this box has quite extraordinary powers. It is, they claim, the 'eye' of a machine that appears capable of peering into the future and predicting major world events...

'It's Earth-shattering stuff,' says Dr Roger Nelson, emeritus researcher at Princeton University in the United States, who is heading the research project behind the 'black box' phenomenon...

Although many would consider the project's aims to be little more than fools' gold, it has still attracted a roster of 75 respected scientists from 41 different nations. Researchers from Princeton - where Einstein spent much of his career - work alongside scientists from universities in Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany. The project is also the most rigorous and longest-running investigation ever into the potential powers of the paranormal...

It is possible - in theory - that time may not just move forwards but backwards, too. And if time ebbs and flows like the tides in the sea, it might just be possible to foretell major world events. We would, in effect, be 'remembering' things that had taken place in our future.

'There's plenty of evidence that time may run backwards,' says Prof Bierman at the University of Amsterdam.

'And if it's possible for it to happen in physics, then it can happen in our minds, too.' In other words, Prof Bierman believes that we are all capable of looking into the future, if only we could tap into the hidden power of our minds. And there is a tantalising body of evidence to support this theory...

For what his experiments appear to demonstrate is that while we may all operate as individuals, we also appear to share something far, far greater - a global consciousness. Some might call it the mind of God.

'We're taught to be individualistic monsters,' he says. 'We're driven by society to separate ourselves from each other. That's not right.

We may be connected together far more intimately than we realise.'

Read the whole article here: http://www.rednova.com/news



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"Can This Black Box See Into the Future?" | Login/Create an Account | 6 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Can This Black Box See Into the Future? (Score: 1)
by kurt9 on Monday, February 14, 2005 @ 11:49:22 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.metatechnica.com
It this device is for real, any reason why I or someone else cannot license to manufacture it and sell it to all of the financial traders all over the world? If I could make and sell this product, it would sell like hot cakes and make me incredibly rich.

Why aren't these people manufacturing this product and going after the above mentioned market? If this product is for real, that is the best market for it.

Re: Can This Black Box See Into the Future? (Score: 1)
by Ian on Thursday, February 17, 2005 @ 12:50:40 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Firstly, it is important to note that the effect should be viewed as a scientific curiosity rather than a practical technology. Also, as far as I am aware the device is purely a REG or RNG. Finally, one possible theoretical model for the phenonmana can be provided by David Bohm's Holographic Theory.


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