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Testing the GMC Holding Corp. device
Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2004 @ 19:27:40 UTC by vlad
Butch LaFonte writes (free-energy yahoo group):
Hi all,
After twenty five years of following and researching overunity devices, and coming up with my own theories, I feel someone has developed a true self sustaining permanent magnet/electro-magnetic overunity device! They have agreed to allow me and a group I put together to test the device under the conditions I state below. Anyone interested in being part of the testing team please email or call me.
I need among the group someone who has an oscilloscope and has used it on a professional basis. I need two scopes as a matter of fact, so one can be used as a backup. Any other test equipment is welcome also. The unit will be running for six hours standing alone for testing. If you have a good quality video camera, please bring it along. They are located in Orlando, Florida, USA
I will start putting together the test team immediately and then set a test date. Everyone will have to pay their on expenses and I can not pay you in any way for your services. You will get to be part of history though if the test proves it is a new source of energy. My number is listed below. I would like for everyone to agree to put the video they take on the internet and to also send it to every friend and contact they have to keep this from being suppressed should it turn out to be a new source of energy.
Please read the following series of post.
Butch LaFonte
Butch LaFonte wrote:
What are your feelings on meeting the following test standard for your system so that I could post the results to all the known energy discussion groups and energy organizations I am a member of on the internet.
Butch LaFonte
Birmingham, Alabama
Day or night
Phone 1-205-699-5364
Cell 205-790-5361
1. The device standing alone on the floor or on a table that has no cavities where energy storage devices could be hidden.
2. No wires, cables, pipes, tubing, of ANY type leading away from the device. It must stand alone.
3. Video/audio taken from all angles allowed.
4. Measurement of voltage, amperage, resistance, heat, work performed, ect. allowed. The measurements must be on video with audio.
5. Six hours continuous running with load required.
6. No batteries, only capacitors allowed.
7. After tests, if capacitors are used, be allowed to purchase one of the capacitors from the devices capacitor bank at random to take for examination.
8. Any part of the device that could be used for hidden energy storage be opened by the owner on request from people doing the testing.
9. If possible, the device moved during operation for a distance of ten feet.
Butch LaFonte
Dear Butch:
We have no problem whatsoever meeting or adhering to your request. In fact, if you want to take the system out to dinner or whatever we have no problem either. We don't live in that so called con or charlatan world. I have worked on Wall Street now for approx 35 years and I will not issue statements especially of this magnitude without being able to back them up. I could be indicted for issuing a fraudulent press release on a publicly traded company of which I am the principal officer. I am an extremely conservative person to begin with. We have taken this technology to a whole different level than some of those who have attempted to do things in this area. I am neither afraid of being rebuked or statements that the government or others will attempt to seize or shut us down. Truth and performance always survives. Looking forward to meeting you and letting your group test the motor. For your information, when one of my associates first saw the motor along with! two electrical engineers from a major utility company, the inventor left the building and they tested the motor with all new equipment($1,500 worth) that we purchased and they had the motor running for a solid 9 hours. True story. We have taken the same approach.
Best Regards.
The web site address > http://www.jagonline.net/
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 14:20:32 -0600
From: "Butch LaFonte"
Subject: Need 12 people for test teams, 6 teams of 2 each
I need 12 people for the Orlando test team. I have a few people already lined up. I want to have 6 teams made up of 2 people each. The device will run for 6 hours. That will give each 2 person team 1 hour to test the unit. At the end of 6 hours I want all teams to meet and compare test results and express conclusions. Each team needs to have a plan ahead of time for how they want to test for overunity. I also would like to have extra people video taping the entire 6 hours of testing, if they agree to put the video on the web and also mail it to all their friends and contacts and ask them to do the same also. A tripod mount for one of the cameras would be nice. Please, only people experienced in the use of test equipment for the 2 person teams. All data needs to be written down and copies made for backup. I would like for the teams to work alone uninterrupted by the other teams in any way. Any one who comes to just observe is welcome but must not interact with the team testing in any way or distract or crowd them. I want 6 different team opinions, lots of video, six different cameras if possible, close up still pictures, and a group discussion afterwards.
All data will be put on the web and we as a group will decide if we have true self sustaining overunity with a load.
Above all, we will need to remember we are guests of these people and any negative comments saved for the meeting afterwards when it is just team members only. We need to be respectful to these people so we can be invited back in the future and to show our thanks for having invited us.
This should be fun and very interesting. We could be seeing history in the making.
Butch LaFonte
PS Remember, they we be meeting the test conditions I requested.
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 15:34:23 -0800 (PST)
From: Richard Brace
Subject: GMC Holding Corp
How does our company become a member [of free-energy yahoo group?]. We would like to keep as many people around the globe apprised as to our new Motor. We will shortly be having demo viewings in the Greater Orlando area and maybe their would be an interest by your group. We are extremely cautious of what we say inasmuch as we are a publicly traded company and we must adhere to strict communications rules.
Best Regards.
Richard Brace, Pres.
Website jagonline.net.
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Re: Testing the GMC Holding Corp. device (Score: 1) by Tzigone on Monday, November 22, 2004 @ 07:00:05 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Sound great! I look forward to seeing the results. Do you have a date planned for the testing yet? |
Re: Testing the GMC Holding Corp. device (Score: 1) by vlad on Monday, November 22, 2004 @ 21:10:41 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | In the free-energy yahoo group "pulsed_ignition" writes: Stephan,
This motor is based on JLN's and Many Many others work with Transistors to pulse drive the coils. Just look at it, 16 coils in parallel means that the rotor must have 32 alternate magnetic pole pieces and look up top - there is a computer fan cooling something - should be the power transistor. And you guys are ready to break out the Champaign for this company that has duplicated work that everybody on this list has already been exposed to. Like I said previously, much work was done perfecting the power transistor to pulse drive the coils.
As long as he is not using my intermittent Plasma drive, I wish them all the best. First consider this, what is the patent number, as surely they must have a patent for such a breakthrough technology. And it sounds like Newman wrote the intro, gets cool - will solve all of our energy needs and the same old line of free energy for all. And then they are a publicly traded company which means they are required by the SEC to have $5 Million in assets, and they build this out of unpainted plywood?? For those that can't afford to spend a few thousand to build a prototype anymore, this could be acceptable. However the drawback is this design will not be allowed for home or auto use because of the unrestrained pulsing magnetic fields produced by the coils (EE requires shielding) and when you use backiron in the pictured system - any strange effects will instantly vanish, guaranteed. The design shown will never pass UL, which was one of Newmans big drawbacks - but particle accelerators are different and not designed for home use. I will be happy to discuss this, real ZPE effects and future energy now with Bell, Noory or Rense on air - all you need to do is request it.
Don't be surprised if GMC eventually says, "we need more time and money to figure out how to get it market ready." Has anyone ever heard that before? I can promise real evidence - TODAY.
I have a real power source that works unlike the others, and the mechanical energy is unimpeded - I don't use it because I have a Plasma Reactor. If you need to invest in another Motor - instead of real scientific breakthroughs - that will be a learning experience for all of you but that road has been well traveled and we are all running out of time.
One other thing Stephan, You mentioned removing the magnets and just using the pulsing coil with my plasma trigger or rotary spark gap. My legal claims allow for no magnetic rotor within the pulsing magnetic field as well as other magnetic pole piece configurations.
Some of my work in a way parallels John Hutchison, who I think is a great inventor. He follows his heart and psychic intuition - definitely the least traveled road to discovery.
Chris |
Re: Testing the GMC Holding Corp. device (Score: 1) by vlad on Monday, November 22, 2004 @ 22:28:48 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Message: sweet-vta yahoo group
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 02:58:30 +0100
From: "Adam Szendrey"
Subject: RE: Re: MAG MOTOR
I'm very glad to see this!
I live in Hungary (central Europe) , so sadly i cannot accompany you, but
i'm looking forward to the results.
You will need much more than an o-scope to test the motor's true efficiency
You will need a calibrated mechanical load, a heat sealed box, and a fan
that blows a given amount of air through the box, you will need to
accurately measure this air flow, the intake temperature and the outgoing
air temperature (this is calorimetry). The input current and voltage, since
the coils are pulsed, must be averaged over a given time period to get the
amount of energy put in, also, there will be a phase difference, etc... A
computer based data aquisition system would come in very handy here, that
can accurately measure the true RMS value of power, from various complex
Measuring the output is somewhat simpler. It will consist of the heat and
mechanical power produced by the motor. The first is measured using that
calibrated air flow scheme i have mentioned above, and the second will be
measured using the calibrated mechanical load.
The fact that measuring input/output accurately requires much more than an
o-scope and some multimeters to measure current/voltage, is the reasing
there are so many false O/U claims out there.
It seems this might be "it". But let me give you a hint that a hungarian
inventor has already built 400 kW (!) machines, and those were ACCURATELY
tested, under strickt professional conditions, one of the 400 kW machines
has been sold to a canadian guy. These machines have a COP value of around
1.5, 1.6. Interestingly since then i haven't heard from them....
That is the ONLY o/u machine i know of that has been prooven to be what it
is. This might be the second. And there are hundreds and thousands of frauds
out there...O/U does exist, it's just really hard to find :).
Re: Testing the GMC Holding Corp. device (Score: 1) by Champ on Saturday, December 11, 2004 @ 07:42:29 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I think the device is a scam.
I am a mechanical engineer, but just some basic science and ability to look critically at data could tell you that something's fishy.
Let us settle one thing first. There's something very important called the First Law of Thermodynamics, which sounds complicated by isn't. It says that energy out of a system equals energy into a system plus any energy generated. Basically it says you can't get something for nothing. Put an ice cube into a cup of water and the energy goes from the water into the ice cube and melts it... energy isn't lost or gained but just moved around. This goes for everything. It's solid, don't even try to argue with it because practically everything you use was designed with this in mind.
Ok, look at their data on the www.jagonline.website. He says that with nothing hooked up to his motor it needs
24.46 volts x 30.9 amps = 755.81 Watts to run at 2360 rpm. This is just the amount of power to overcome the motor's own friction.
He then hooks it up to a generator, but he does not hook the generator up to anything. So essentially the motor power is being used by the fiction of itself plus the fiction of the generator. It takes
48.32 volts x 38.5 amps = 1763.38 Watts to run.
Now for the wierd part. He somehow just states that it takes 61 Watts of input power to the motor to spin the generator such that it generates 368 Watts of output.
Sooo... lets tally the power we put into the system versus the power we get out. Forget about his cumulative chart for now.
Motor Generator
1764 0
1825 368
1886 736
1947 1104
2008 1472
2069 1840
2130 2208
So basically he's saying that by putting in 2130 Watts you will get out 2208 Watts. What's happening, is fuel being burned inside the motor?!
So they're talking about making energy from nothing, which is a perpetual motion machine and that's just silly. You can't deny the First Law.
Actually the whole experiment is silly. To test his motors he shouldn't stick a generator on there and measure the electricity generated. He should put a dynamometer on the shaft of his motor to measure the torque and rpm to get a direct power measurement.
Maybe I'm missing something, but to me it seems like a a scam... a perpetual motion machine to dupe investors.
GMC Holding Corp. device - Cautions (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, December 11, 2004 @ 12:21:01 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Sterling D. Allan wrote: http://pesn.com/2004/11/18/6900053GMC_Holdings_Fuel-less_Motor/index.html#Postscript_Cautions
(or try: http://tinyurl.com/4dwm7)
Postscript Cautions
- They are balking on setting a firm date for Butch LaFonte to bring in $10,000 worth of testing equipment for rigorously documented tests. (see below)
- Attempts at independent replications do not show OU as claimed.
- Careful analysis of the video data provided on the GMC website shows system efficiency of about 20%.
- Wall Street insider reports that the GMCC stock has been all over the boards, with price fluctuations between $0.28 and $2.50 a share within the last 90 days, with over a Million Shares traded and hundreds of brokers in on the deal as "market makers."
- Inventor unknown and absent.
- No patent protection.