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Best Rated Downloads - Top 10% (of 95 total rated downloads)
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| A working Maxwell's demon? Description: Abstract. This is an experiment report on a special energy conversion. Two similar and parallel Ag-O-Cs cathodes in a vacuum tube eject electrons at room temperature continuously. A static magnetic field applied to the tube plays the role of the famous “Maxwell’s demon”. The thermal electrons are so controlled by the magnetic field that they can fly only from one cathode to the other, resulting in a charge collection and an electric potential. A load, a resistance for example, is connected to the cathodes, getting an electric power from the tube continuously. Here, the air within the laboratory is a single heat reservoir and all of the heat extracted by the electronic tube from the reservoir is converted into electric energy, without producing any other effects. The authors believe that the experiment is in contradiction to Kelvin’s statement of the second law of thermodynamics. Version: 1 Filesize: 427.73 Kb Added on: 01-Dec-2003 Downloads: 7494 Rating: 8.0 (10 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Downloads/New-Energy
About measuring power Description: Usefull comments about measuring power (from the KeelyNet discussion group). Version: Filesize: 57.50 Kb Added on: 28-Dec-2002 Downloads: 6149 Rating: 7.0 (9 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Downloads
Discussion of Lynds paper on Time Description: "Time" is definitely an important feature not only at the foundations of both classical and modern physics but also in the daily lives of most people in our society. Modern physics is a vast and rapidly developing field of great power, elegance, sophistication, and complexity. Most physicists simply have no time to take a closer look at the foundations of the edifice they are busily erecting, but just assume that things are pretty much OK and charge on ahead with their work. Thus my first comment on the paper by Mr. Lynds is to congratulate him for having the courage and interest to choose one of the foundation concepts of a basic science -- even of our whole civilization -- and attempting to look it squarely in the face. Let's see what he sees and what he doesn't see in the mirror. Version: Filesize: 41.02 Kb Added on: 30-Aug-2003 Downloads: 4436 Rating: 7.0 (10 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Downloads/New-Energy
Article on Quark Theory Description: The article, provides a wider view of the particle zoo and quark theory. It also has a lot of bearing on the Positron Generator article.
I don't know if our technology is far enough along yet to build the positron generator (we have to amp the probabilities a few hundred thousand x), but the paper may stimulate some breakthrough research. In the quark paper I also mention a possibility of creating new forms of matter that would have antigravitational properties simply by virtue of their extremely low densities. The trick is that we have to figure out how to work with positrons as "naked singularities". Currently they are heavily buffered by the quarks. But if we can "network" them in space/time so that they weave a standing wave pattern with electrons without collapsing and annihilating, we can do it. I haven't figured out how to do it, but the notion is floating around. Maybe the paper will stimulate some bright minds out there to take it another step.
Version: 2 Filesize: 217.77 Kb Added on: 19-Oct-2003 Downloads: 4936 Rating: 7.0 (7 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Downloads/New-Energy
On Physical Lines of Force Description: by J.C. Maxwell. There has been alot of speculation recently that
Maxwell was working within a four dimensional aether in order to
explain electromagnetism, and that this fact has been deliberately
covered up...
On a first reading of this paper, one might be forgiven for thinking
that Maxwell is trying to explain magnetism using a two dimensional
layer of vortex cells. In actual fact, it extends to three dimensions
when we pile these layers on top of each other. There is no question of
any fourth dimension being involved in Maxwell's thinking. [David Tombe] Version: Filesize: 1.21 MB Added on: 14-Apr-2006 Downloads: 3578 Rating: 7.0 (6 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Downloads
How to Build a Dirac Current Positron Generator by D. A. White Description: An article on antimatter as a definite possible energy source. According to Douglass A. White, PhD, the Dirac Current Positron Generator is (could be) one of the most elegant forms of ZPE devices. Version: Filesize: 242.19 Kb Added on: 23-Aug-2003 Downloads: 7441 Rating: 6.0 (10 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Downloads/ZPE related
Dirac's Equation and the Sea Of Negative Energy - Part 1 Description: Since Dirac's equation is a relativistic generalization of an already generally applicable wave equation, in formulating it Dirac expected that its solutions would describe 'everything that waves' - that it would be a 'unitary theory of everything'. However the discovery of several new particles and peer criticism resulting in the truncation of the equation frustrated this expectation, and it is generally known at present as 'Dirac's equation of the electron'.
Dirac's complete equation describes a quantum spinor field, which has as solutions four different kinds of electron: electrons and positrons of positive energy, and electrons and positrons of negative energy. This equation generalizes an already general wave equation: therefore, as shown herein, the equation directly predicts that 'everything that waves', i. e. the entire physical universe, can be made from these four kinds of electron. This study indicates this to be the case: all matter and all fields and forces seem to be necessary combinations and applications of just these four kinds of electron, fulfilling Dirac's unitary expectation. Version: Filesize: 230.47 Kb Added on: 26-Dec-2003 Downloads: 5797 Rating: 6.0 (12 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details | Comments (1) Category: Downloads/ZPE related
FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ZERO-POINT ENERGY EXTRACTION FROM THE QUANTUM VACUUM Description: "... ubiquitous zero-point energy is known to exist. Yet, none of the world’s physicists or engineers are participating in any national or international energy development project beyond nuclear power. It is painfully obvious that zero-point energy does not appear to most scientists as the robust source of energy worth developing. Therefore, an aim of this study is to provide a clear understanding of the basic principles of the only known candidate for a limitless, fuelless source of power: zero-point energy. Another purpose is to look at the feasibility of various energy conversion methods that are realistically available to modern engineering, including emerging nanotechnology, for the possible use of zero-point energy." Version: Filesize: 2.86 MB Added on: 05-Jun-2004 Downloads: 8433 Rating: 6.0 (10 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Downloads/ZPE related
Key Concepts for the Conversion and Control of GRAVITATIONAL Energy. Description: (My PRESENTATION OF RESULTS of PRIVATE RESEARCH in MAGNETICS and ELECTROGRAVITCS, based on UNIVERSITY STUDIES in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, alternative studies, and God-given common sense.)
Version: Filesize: 15.50 Kb Added on: 28-Dec-2002 Downloads: 6240 Rating: 5.0 (10 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Downloads/New-Energy
POWER PHENOMENON OF VACUUM - I Description: "Now in physics the principally new direction of scientific researches linked to study of properties and opportunities of physical vacuum is formed. This scientific direction is becoming dominant, and in applied aspects it is capable of resulting in advanced technologies in the field of power, electronics and ecology..." Version: Filesize: 68.36 Kb Added on: 06-Aug-2003 Downloads: 7104 Rating: 5.0 (6 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Downloads/ZPE related
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Let us set our national goal, in the spirit of Apollo, with the determination of the Manhattan Project, that by the end of this decade we will have developed the potential to meet our own energy needs without depending on any foreign energy source. -- Richard Nixon (1973)
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